At the time of a sexual assault, survival is often the only choice.  We would like to give you options for your healthcare needs.  A forensic nurse examiner is available to go over each option in depth with you 24 hours a day.  The following are your 3 options:

Option 1:  Medical/Forensic Examination with Reporting to Law Enforcement

  • If you are not injured or in danger you can call us directly at 260-423-2222 or call 911 if injured / in danger.
  • We can contact law enforcement for you.
  • You will come to the SATC directly.
  • A medical forensic examination will take place. This exam will include evidence collection and injury identification. Please see the medical forensic exam section for more details.
  • Discharge instructions will be given, and recommendations for follow up care will be arranged.


Option 2: Medical Examination Only (No Evidence Collection)

  • If you do not want to report to law enforcement or have evidence collected, you can seek medical treatment at your nearest emergency room or primary health care physician.


Option 3:  Medical Forensic Examination without Immediate Reporting to Law Enforcement

  • This option includes having a medical forensic examination without initial involvement by Law Enforcement.
  • This is called Jane or John Doe Reporting.
  • This option will need to be explained to you in detail by a forensic nurse examiner so that you are fully aware of the pros and cons.


Please note that you are never to blame.  The choice that you make regarding which healthcare option to choose is entirely yours. There is no right or wrong choice. Only you can decide what option works best. The nurses here at the SATC only want you to be fully informed of all choices that are available to you.  We want to be that first step in your healing process.